Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Austin's economy

I found this article in the Austin American statesman called "Austin more than staying afloat". It is about exciting news for Austenite job hunters. Number one, facebook is opening a company with 200 more job opportunities. Number two, Yingli Green Energy Americas, Inc relocating a manufacturing plant with possibly 300 more jobs. I believe this article is well written. The editorial board of the statesman did a great job in making this article exciting and seem less like an essay.
As the editor wrote, Austin has lost about 2,300 jobs between December 2008 and December 2009. If those two great plans go well, approximately 500 jobs will be created here in Austin. The editor told us that Austin, TX and Phoenix, AZ are in competition for the same job creations.
In the article, president Harry Truman defined recession and depression. He said that recession is a neighbor who lost a job and depression is someone who lost his own job. A lot of central Texans are under a depression because under Truman’s definition they lost their job.
I hope facebook and Yingli picks Austin to plant their organizations, because that would help a lot of Central Texans get out of the economic depression, as well as keep Austin’s economy growing.